Mallinckrodt Medical Inc Barrierbac™ S" Filter, ISO 22M/15F-22F/15M Connection, Weight 19g, Dead space 35mL, Bacterial Filtration Efficiency 99-8/99%, Viral Filtration Efficiency 99-8/99%, Type of Filtration ElectrostaticThese lightweight filters with electrostatic hydrophobic media help protect against cross contamination in anesthetized patients and respiratory care patients who require a breathing circuit. Low resistance helps minimize the work of breathing. ISO standard 15mm and 22mm fitting connects to breathing circuit. Available in regular or compact version. Caution: Federal (USA) law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician. 50 filters
- Smaller size, less bulk in circuit. Minimizes dead space and weight while maximizing and maintaining efficiency.
- Electrostatic Hydrophobic media protects against cross-contamination.
- May be placed at patient or equipment side.
- End tidal CO2 sampling port offers convenient access to monitor airway gases.
- Lightweight, compact design reduces circuit weight.
- Low resistance to flow minimizes work of breathing.
- ISO standard 15mm and 22mm fitting connects to breathing circuit.
- Supplied clean and individually packaged.